The Visual Elements of Art
The Visual Elements of Art are Line - Tone - Form - Colour - Shape - Space - Pattern - Texture. They are the building blocks of art. When we look at any drawing, painting, sculpture or design, we examine these component parts to see how they combine to create the overall effect of the artwork.

In Y8 we explore...
What is shape...
A shape is the form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external surface.
Shape can be natural or man-made, regular or irregular, flat or solid, representational or abstract, geometric or organic, transparent or opaque, positive or negative, decorative or symbolic, coloured, patterned or even textured.
We break each of the Visual Elements into something we call 'Devices'.
Devices are artistic techniques use by artists to create a certain effect, evoke certain emotions or to create certain visual meanings.
When you learn how to use these devices in your own work (and why), you will be building up your own artistic toolbox of skills.

Artistic Devices of shape...
What is space...
Space refers to the distance between or the area around and within shapes, forms, colours and lines.
Space can be positive or negative. It includes the background, foreground and middle ground. Both positive and negative space can play important roles in the overall success of a work of art.
We break each of the Visual Elements into something we call 'Devices'.
Devices are artistic techniques use by artists to create a certain effect, evoke certain emotions or to create certain visual meanings.
When you learn how to use these devices in your own work (and why), you will be building up your own artistic toolbox of skills.

Artistic Devices of space...
What is pattern...
Pattern is made by repeating or echoing the elements of an artwork to communicate a sense of balance, harmony, contrast, rhythm or movement.
There are two basic types of pattern in art: Natural Patternand Man-Made Pattern. Patterns can be regular or irregular, organic or geometric, structural or decorative, positive or negative and repeating or random.
We break each of the Visual Elements into something we call 'Devices'.
Devices are artistic techniques use by artists to create a certain effect, evoke certain emotions or to create certain visual meanings.
When you learn how to use these devices in your own work (and why), you will be building up your own artistic toolbox of skills.

Artistic Devices of pattern...
What is texture...
Texture is the surface quality of an artwork - the roughness or smoothness of the material from which it is made. We experience texture in two ways: optically (through sight) and physically (through touch).
The texture is an artwork can evoke a very physical and emotional response.
We break each of the Visual Elements into something we call 'Devices'.
Devices are artistic techniques use by artists to create a certain effect, evoke certain emotions or to create certain visual meanings.
When you learn how to use these devices in your own work (and why), you will be building up your own artistic toolbox of skills.

Artistic Devices of texture...

The Visual Elements have a relationship to one another:
Most images begin their life as line drawings. ​
Lines cross over one another to form shapes.
Shapes can be filled with tone and color, or repeated to create pattern.
A shape may be rendered with a rough surface to create a texture.
A shape may be projected into three dimensions to create form.